READING: Riddles


Hi students!

In the previous session, we did a Speaking activity that many of you liked and you told me that you wanted to do it as a game to play at home with family or friends. So I thought of explaining the activity in more depth here and at the end of this post, I will share an example and a link that will help you find new texts.

Placed in pairs, they must silently read the small texts that will appear on the digital whiteboard. They will be descriptions of well-known people, elements or important moments. From the text they must guess what or who they are. We will give 10 minutes for them to read the text and for each couple to agree to decide what or who it is about and write it on a small magnetic board that will be previously given to each couple with their corresponding marker and eraser. Once the 10 min have passed, they must raise the blackboard with the written word up high so that we can all see what each pair has written. For each hit they will be given a red sticker that they can place on the edge of the blackboard.

Next, I share an example of what we saw in class that I have taken from the British Council page.

Before carrying out the activity in class, I have located several texts from the British Council like the one you see above. I have selected a paragraph from all the text that allows us to guess what it is about, in this case, Halloween.

I also share the link of the page so that you can look for small texts to carry out the activity:  READING TEXT

I hope I have been helpful.

See you. 


British Council (2023). Read and write. Recover on May 20 2023 from:
